Utilizing Bootstrap, created an accordian dropdown for the FAQ sections. Passing data through using JSON.
Created a dynamic timeline using SVG lines and allowed the user to add events to the timeline adjusting the SVG lines accordingly.
Used Figma to start a new design for the internal tool (Dont have the actual picture). Created a sleek design using Vue.js and Tailwind CSS. Allowed non-technical users to update the website. Saving the data to a SQL database and pulling it to the website using ColdFusion. Also creating documentation for the non-technical users on how to use the tool.
Created a filter component to filter through the events and images. Came up with the accordion to hide the past events. Used Bootstrap buttons and CSS to style the buttons and other components.
Created a simple bubble text component to display the key points more engagingly.
Created a card component to display the information in a more engaging way. Following the guidelines of the design communicated by the design team.